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This tutorial demonstrate you how to run docker containers. This tutorial demonstrate the steps to run your docker application using AWS ECS.

Following is the list of content covered in this session:
1. What Is AWS?
2. What is Docker?
3. What is ECS?
4. Demo: Running Docker On ECS
5. How to how to run docker
5. How to use docker run?
6. How to use docker compose up?

ECS is container management micro service provided by AWS. It is highly scalable and fast way to manage / start / stops Docker containers within AWS cloud.

It allows easily to manage applications running under docker containers and deployed on ECS cluster of EC2 instances.

When you deployed docker container in ECS that means you placed them on cluster which is logical grouping of EC2 instances.

ECS allows us to access some core important features like security group, EBS volume and Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) same like EC2 Instance.

ECS is an abstraction of EC2 service so instead of using EC2 virtual machines we can use most compact portable docker containers.

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Written by admin