AWS Rekognition Tutorial | Image Recognition using AWS | Amazon Rekognition | Cloud Guru

Avatar admin | June 28, 2020 8 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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This video is about the features and benefits of AWS Rekognition. It shows how AWS Rekognition can effortlessly analyze images and videos. The topics that we will cover in this session are as follows:
· What is Amazon Rekognition?
· Features
· Advantages
· How it works?
· Use cases
· Demo

What is AWS Rekognition ?

Amazon Rekognition AWS is an image analysis and recognition software which was built on the top of deep learning , deep learning is an AI system which is used to analyse and recognize images, with AWS Rekognition you can use all the image analysis features without the need to build or learn any of the deep learning technologies, AWS Rekognition was released on November 2016 as the first cloud image analysis service by Amazon.

AWS Rekognition will make image processing easier for developers and anyone who wants to pass a picture to an API and get a JSON file showing information about the picture.

Some of AWS Rekognition Features:

Face analysis.
Estimate age range for people.
Face comparison.
Objects detection and analysis (Tree, Grass, Moon , Light…etc).
Connect it with CloudWatch. (Get number of detected faces, response time….etc)
Try AWS Rekognition

Login to AWS Console.
Search for Rekognition.
Click ‘Try Demo’ button.
Now you can upload a picture and experience how AWS Rekognition will recognize it and tell it’s features.

How to Use AWS Rekognition ?

Connect to your Linux/Windows machine (Learn How to Create AWS EC2 Instance).

AWS Cli should be installed (Learn How to Install AWS Cli on EC2 Instance).

Rekognition can be used directly from HTTP or using SDK
AWS Rekognition SDK Example

Create a bucket and place a picture in it.
Find name of the bucket and region.
Run following command from the EC2 and you will get an output with the recognized objects.

aws rekognition detect-labels –image “S3Object={Bucket=name-of-bucket,Name=test.jpg}” –region us-west-2

AWS Rekognition Cost

You can use up to 5000 pictures free a month as a part of the free tier from Amazon which will be enough for testing and 1000 face recognition metadata after that it will be $1 per 1000 calls.

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Written by admin