AWS S3 Tutorial – Create Amazon S3 Bucket and Upload Object?

Avatar admin | December 26, 2020 17 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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Amazon S3 supports the widest range of storage classes. The six S3 Storage Classes are designed to help customers store their data cost-effectively without negatively impacting performance. In this tech talk, Amazon S3 experts will be diving into each of the S3 Storage Classes, including our newest ones, S3 Intelligent-Tiering and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. We will also cover the use cases they support and their respective features. We will also provide best practices around how to use S3 Storage Class Analysis to learn data access patterns and configure S3 Lifecycle policies that transfer objects between storage classes for cost-effective storage.

This AWS S3 tutorial will help you understand what is cloud storage, types of storage, life before Amazon S3, what is S3 ( Amazon Simple Storage Service ), benefits of S3, objects and buckets, how does Amazon S3 work along with the explanation on features of AWS S3. Amazon S3 is a storage service for the Internet. It is a simple storage service that offers software developers a highly-scalable, reliable, and low-latency data storage infrastructure at a relatively low cost. Amazon S3 gives a simple web service interface that can be used to store and restore any amount of data. Using this, developers can build applications that make use of Internet storage with ease. Amazon S3 is designed to be highly flexible and scalable. Now, lets deep dive into this tutorial and understand what Amazon S3 actually is.

Below topics are explained in this AWS S3 Tutorial:

1. What is Cloud storage?
2. What is S3 Storage?
3. Types of storage
4. Before Amazon S3
5. What is S3
6. Benefits of S3
7. Objects and buckets
8. How does Amazon S3 work
9. Features of S3
10. AWS S3 pricing
11. AWS S3 bucket policy
12. S3 Cors
13. S3 versioning




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