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This tutorial will help us to understand the concept, benefits and usage of AWS Single Sign-On with detail demo on how to configure AWS Single Sign-On using AWS SSO. This video will cover the following topics: - How to configure…

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The term "tensor" is often misunderstood. Let's figure out what they are through vector examples like velocity, angular momentum, the stress tensor, and the electromagnetic tensor. A tensor is a generalization of vectors and matrices and is easily understood as…

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This Azure DevOps Pipeline Tutorial will give you a brief introduction on how you can implement DevOps practices on Microsoft Azure. Following topics are covered in this live session: 1. What is Azure DevOps? 2. What is DevOps? 3. DevOps…

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This AWS Athena Data Lake Tutorial shows how you can reduce your query processing time and cost by partitioning your data in S3 and using AWS Athena to leverage the partition feature. # Learn AWS Athena with a demo. #…

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Within machine learning, the hardest aspect often becomes deploying to production, until the time comes to address the issue. Applied at scale, this issue can hinder deployment, and at the worst, kill the project entirely. In this video, we will…

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This workshop is intended to be a thorough tutorial on how to build an application in EKS from start to finish, and explain the various resources Kubernetes has to offer. Topics covered in this video: 1. AWS Managed: - AWS…

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A data lake is an architectural approach that allows you to store massive amounts of data into a central location, so it's readily available to be categorized, processed, analyzed and consumed by diverse groups within an organization. In this video,…

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This video is a walk through tutorial on how to create a user AWS Cognito user pool and connect using a mobile client iOS Using a hosted UI. Source code: OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on…

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This Localstack tutorial will show you what localstack is, how to install it, configure AWS CLI and a couple of examples with a local s3 bucket and creating a local dynamodb table. Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 02:32 Installation 04:10 Docker Image…

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#transitgateway This AWS Transit Gateway Tutorial consists of two parts; first concept and then demo. We will explain why companies should use Transit Gateway and then we have shown a step by step demo of how to implement Transit Gateway,…