G Suite Admin Tutorial – How to Reset User’s Password
This tutorial will show you how to reset user’s password using G Suite Admin.
From the users tab in the G Suite Admin Console, locate the lock with an arrow going around it. You can also click into the individual user profile, where you have more options. You might not need to reset the password, but want another option such as logging out all active sessions.
For instance, if a user left their account logged in on a friend or family member’s computer, you can use the tool “reset sign in cookies” to force a logout for an individual user across all machines & devices, but this does not actually change the password.
As a best practice, when resetting passwords you should check the option to “require a change of password in the next sign in,” which will require the user to enter a new password instead of just using the one that you’ve provided. If you do not check this, many users will simply continue using the provided password, which may create a security vulnerability if you issue the same generic password to multiple users.
On the security side, you can monitor the password strength for all users in your organization through the Security Tab. From Security, you can select “Password Monitoring” to get a quick overview of the length/strength of each user’s password. You might want to take a look periodically to get a quick sense of how secure your users’ accounts are. As a best practice, we recommend having all your users implementing two step verification, which we will cover in a later video.
———-More Help From Google———-
Google help: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.google.com%2Faccounts%2Fanswer%2F41078%3Fhl%3Den&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGNqNERPQnhPc0Fqd2FYNmJaajY1WXdLd1U1QXxBQ3Jtc0tsX19DREFTUjBraWRoSkRwSXpza0FhZFg3VDRGLVhYeGlxVzJYWmFZU1J4QkczZW9pdlBqTlk1bElqb1Bkc1ZxWGZGanNnMllzRzJ6X3JLNTBoWEo2cU53SmJ1T1lQOXpjY0NaOXJ6d1NjdElBMDlGNA%3D%3D&v=wfI6B9RVfis&event=video_description
Google Account help on creating strong passwords: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.google.com%2Faccounts%2Fanswer%2F32040&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGd0VTc3UWVOTzVFSUpndGZuNE9hTDJaTUlid3xBQ3Jtc0tsY3pLb2hLU2lUdHJHTnY5RXdEVF9VR1NBMzZxMEhQVXROZ2xxdUVxQ1BKVHhsRlROUlRUYmtYSFJzMFNuREVZclA4cENlcmI1bjR3SktrUjFncm1KaGFQbTRjLUZkdlp4Q2dSdlNnN2FpaGVWTDhXSQ%3D%3D&v=wfI6B9RVfis&event=video_description
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Written by admin