How to Assign Gmail Settings for Users via GSuite Admin Part 2

Avatar admin | September 13, 2020 2 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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What happens if you have someone coming into your organization that is temporary, and only needs access to email? For some reason you need to restrict their access to an entire services here is how you use GSuite Organizations to do it.

Here are some steps to follow:
1. Go to
2. Click on Users
3. Under “By Organization” click the 3 dots icon
4. Click “Add Sub Organization”
5. Fill up the form and click “Create Organization”
6. Find users to add in the new Organization
7. Once you find the user, click the “Move to another organization” icon
8. Choose the new Organization
6. Click confirm
7. Go back to your “Home” admin console
8. Click “Apps”
9. Click “G Suite”
10. Under “Drive and Docs”, click the 3 dots icon on the right side
11. Click “On for some organization”
12. Switch to “On” under “Setting for”
13. Click the new Organization in the left panel then turn “Off” the switch
14. Click “Override” then Click “Apply”
15. Click “Turn Off”

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Written by admin