How to Deliver Software Quickly on AWS Lambda Serverless Cloud

Avatar admin | November 18, 2018 32 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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This amazon web services tutorial shows you how to deliver software quickly on AWS Lambda Serverless Cloud.

Learning Objectives:
# Understand the benefits of serverless computing, architectures, and applications
# Learn the basics of using AWS Lambda for running code
# Learn basic patterns and architectures for building apps with Lambda
# Learn AWS Lambda with a demo.
# Different attributes of Lambda.
# Specifying VPC & IAM role for Lambda.
# aws lambda function Deep Dive.
# Checking Lambda logs.
# Understanding AWS Lambda pricing.

In this session, learn how to leverage serverless architectures to increase the speed at which you release products, services, and features to your customers. Learn how to define serverless applications with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), and how to use the AWS SAM Local CLI tool to author, test, and debug serverless applications locally, before you deploy to AWS. We discuss how to safely deploy changes to your AWS Lambda functions and Amazon API Gateway APIs using automated canary deployments. Finally, we cover best practices for your deployment workflows specific to serverless applications.

With serverless computing, you can build and run applications without the need for provisioning or managing servers. Serverless computing means that you can build web, mobile, and IoT backends, run stream processing or big data workloads, run chatbots, and more. In this session, learn how to get started with serverless computing with AWS Lambda, which lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. We introduce you to the basics of building with Lambda. As part of that, we show how you can benefit from features such as continuous scaling, built-in high availability, integrations with AWS and third-party apps, and subsecond metering pricing. We also introduce you to the broader portfolio of AWS services that help you build serverless applications with Lambda, including Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Step Functions, and more.

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Written by admin