How to Launch AWS Windows EC2 Instance & SSH through Putty #1

Avatar admin | February 11, 2019 9 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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Thinking about getting a Windows Instance setup on AWS? Get a run down from Cloud Guru instructor, and you’ll be far more likely to Launch AWS Windows EC2 Instance & SSH through Putty.

Creating an AWS EC2 Instance running Linux or Unix can be done in a matter of minutes if you have some basic knowledge of Amazon Web Services, and we’ll cover that here. This video will explore the installation of a Linux instance using a pre-built Amazon Machine Image (AMI) which can be run on any virtual server within Amazon Web Services.

Detailed Steps:

1. Choose Windows AMI.
2. Setup EC2 security group
3. Setup EC2 key pair values.
4. Launch EC2 Instance.
4. Generate krivate key using Puttygen.
6. Connect EC2 Instance using Putty.

Stay tuned for the follow up video that will identify how to connect to the AWS EC2 Windows Server we created here using SSH and will ensure you have all appropriate updates applied.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud service provided by Amazon that will allow you to create virtually anything. From cloud storage, to virtual servers, where you can run web services, database services, or even a serverless environment.

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Written by admin