Nagios Setup in the cloud and monitor AWS EC2 resources

Avatar admin | October 26, 2020 7 Views 0 Likes 0 Ratings

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This Nagios Installation Tutorial will help you to learn how to install Nagios Core on a CentOS operating system and how to monitor more than one host. The same steps can be used for Nagios Installation on Ubuntu, Nagios Installation on Mac and Nagios Installation on Windows (using a linux VM).

Below are the software that are required for this Nagios Installation:
1) CentOS Operating System: In this Nagios Tutorial we have used a CentOS edureka virtual machine to install Nagios Core.
2) Apache: In this Nagios Tutorial we have used Apache2 web server to install Nagios.
3) PHP: In this Nagios Tutorial we have used PHP for processing dynamic site content.

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Written by admin