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For more than two decades, Amazon has been fighting fraud across all its online businesses, from the merchant side, with Amazon.com and subsidiary businesses like Zappos, to AWS digital services. This breadth of experience fighting online fraud includes payments fraud, fake accounts, fake reviews, promotion abuse, and account takeovers. Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed AI service that uses machine learning (ML) and more than 20 years of fraud detection expertise from Amazon to identify potentially fraudulent activities so that customers can catch more online fraud faster. Learn how Amazon fraud mitigation strategies influenced the development of Amazon Fraud Detector, and hear how organizations are applying it to prevent and detect online fraud, and deliver successful outcomes.

Learning Objectives:
*Learn how Amazon Fraud Detectors is helping customers today
*Learn about what are the minimum data sets you need to get start building models
*Learn how to get started using simple API integration

Globally each year, organizations lose tens of billions of dollars to online fraud. Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed service that uses machine learning (ML) and more than 20 years of fraud detection expertise from Amazon, to identify potentially fraudulent activity so customers can catch more online fraud faster. Amazon Fraud Detector automates the time consuming and expensive steps to build, train, and deploy an ML model for fraud detection, making it easier for customers to leverage the technology. Amazon Fraud Detector customizes each model it creates to a customer’s own dataset, making the accuracy of models higher than current one-size fits all ML solutions. And, because you pay only for what you use, you avoid large upfront expenses.

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